Saturday, May 21, 2016 is not compiling jsp files - not generating class files

Refer tree.dep in _pages directory.
Delete your file entries from this file and re-run file.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Oracle Configurator - Publication Enabled Properties

Oracle Configurator build has introduced a new flag for PROPERTY object - PUBLICATION ENABLED. This property indicates whether the property and its values should be copied to target publication instance during model publication or not. This is introduced mainly for performance reasons because in certain cases, properties in OCD are not required in published target model data. By default, new build sets this property to False for all properties stopping them being published to target instance. This is sudden change by Oracle in 31.9 build, which many customers are not aware of. This causes customers wonder by model not working correctly in target instance after publication and upgrade to 31.9. I have seen persons debugging a log around this for days finally to figure out properties are not copied in target instance. Thanks to Oracle that there exists a note that can help customer identify the issue quickly if anyone has searched metalink. 

After Upgrading To Build 31.9, Unable to Access Properties in Published Models (Doc ID 2084634.1)

Let's discuss about scenarios when this flag should be enabled.
  • Set Publication Enabled to True, when the property is used in UI or CX code. This means you are accessing property value in CX code OR have display/enable condition in UI based on property or have UI node caption based on property.
  • Set Publication Enabled to False, when property is used only in CDL Rules like property based rules Or property is imported in Configurator from BOM model catalog/APC and not used anywhere. This is most likely the case and is major concern in publication process performance for customers who use large amount of attribute based classification (from APC or Catalog or OCD created) for rule. Whenever you generate logic, all logic rule details are translated to rule engine language and stored in cz_lce% tables. Hence, actual rule texts and rule data are not required for rule execution in target instance.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Configurator: AltBatchValidateUrl parameter in CZ_DB_SETTINGS

If you are getting error while Book Order process in Order Management, then you can look at debugging details here.

When we click on Configurator button in OM, Configurator uses BOM:Configurator URL of UI Manager profile option to find URL where configurator instance is hosted.

Book Order/Batch Validation uses same URL for batch validation purpose. If this URL is secured one (with https protocol), DBA can configure Alternate URL (usually non-secure, plain http) using cz_db_settings for quick validation process  - non-secure URL does not require wallet setup in db tier.

So, AltBatchValidateURL is not mandatory when we are using plain http URL for configurator UI launch. If not specified (cz_db_settings does not have entry for AltBatchValidateURL), configurator will use above profile URL for it. But when specified, it must be valid URL to find configurator host.

In current case, AltBatchValidateURL should match with BOM:Configurator URL of UI Manager profile option on the instance – that will be the correct entry for any host.

If BOM:Configurator URL of UI Manager is incorrect, then user will not be able to launch Configurator UI at all and will be quickly identified by any user.

Using Batch Validation and AltBatchValidateURL Correctly in an SSL Environment (Doc ID 458587.1)